Coronation Chicken - Brown and Forrest
Bowdens Farm, Hambridge, Somerset, TA10 0BP, England

Coronation Chicken

Brown & Forrest Coronation Chicken

One of the most popular dishes we serve, it always sells out.

Our customers are forever asking how we make it so much nicer than any recipes they use. So after much arm twisting we have been persuaded to share the recipe. Delicious with salad and granary bread or new potatoes.


1 x Onion
1 x Red apple
3 x Sticks of celery
1 x Dessert spoon apricot jam or marmalade
2 tbsp x Mayonnaise
6 x Smoked chicken breasts (diced)
1oz Butter
1oz Flour
1oz Madras curry powder
1/2 Pint chicken stock


Melt butter
Add flour and curry powder
Gradually add stock (stiring in) to make roux
Allow roux to cool
Chop onion, apple and celery
Add jam and marmalade
Stir well
Add mayonnaise, roux and chicken
Stir well and serve

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