Return from France & Dancing - Brown and Forrest
Bowdens Farm, Hambridge, Somerset, TA10 0BP, England

Return from France & Dancing

Good morning from a Somerset where harvest is pretty much home. The combines had just started rolling when we headed off to foreign climes and they are back in their barns for another year now. Without wanting to bang on all I will say is that we had the best family holiday and I feel as rested and recharged as I have for many a moon. I appreciate that having me writing to you again is probably a huge disappointment but I’m afraid to say that due to the wonderful response Edie received following her two rambles, delusions of grandeur appear to have raised their ugly heads and after a very high level meeting whilst travelling under the English Channel her financial demands and threats of getting her union involved meant I had no choice other than to return to the quill myself!

The crew here have been amazing and been hugely busy and as ever have not batted an eyelid in going the extra mile and ensuring that everything has run more smoothly than they ever have for which Mrs P and I are beyond grateful as to know we can occasionally take a bit of time out and not worry too much about B & F is something that we are very very lucky to be able to do. All our lovely Summer offers are still running with the Family Feast Box, the August Box and all our products available to be sent to whomever you would like them to go to. We can also deliver to any holiday cottages you might be lucky enough to be heading off to so that it arrives shortly after you do and can stock the fridge. Also this time next week we will be in the middle of the Bank Holiday weekend so if you have gatherings, picnics and BBQs planned then remember to get your orders placed in time so that we can deliver them next week for any holiday feasting you may have planned. You can of course order online at or call Amber and I in the office from 9am tomorrow on 01458 250875.

I must away as I am in charge of producing a big roast lunch which will be the first in a good while so expectations are high! I will leave you with one quick story from our hols. As I believe Edie mentioned it became customary for the four loons to end the evenings with a spot of dancing. How lovely I hear you say and yet when one was forced to watch it it became very apparent that Stan’s genre and inspiration appeared to be entirely based around moves one might mainly associate with titillation and in some cases quite frankly fornication. The other three absolutely maintain they have not taught him or encouraged him along these lines in the slightest. The end result is that Mrs P and I are having to come to terms with the fact that there is every likelihood that our 7 year old son is quite possibly destined for a career as a pole dancer?! All I will say is that it appears that he might at least be a jolly good one which may be some small mercy I suppose?!

I hope you have a lovely rest of Sunday.

My very, very best regards,



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