Hot smoked trout special! - Brown and Forrest
Bowdens Farm, Hambridge, Somerset, TA10 0BP, England

Hot smoked trout special!

Good morning from what feels like a totally silent Somerset. I have just watched a glorious sunrise with an enormous mug of tea and am contemplating taking Olive (the dog) for a very early morning stroll while the loons and Mrs P remain in the land of nod.


It’s been a wonderfully busy first week back at The Smokery with so many folk having had food parcels delivered for this long weekend. All our box offers are still running until the end of this week but our FREE DELIVERY offer on all orders that include a fillet of Hot Smoked Trout will end after the weekend. So, if you love our trout or have possibly never tried it before if you order one whatever else you put in that order will all be delivered for Free! You don’t have to have it immediately so even if you don’t want it all delivered until October half term or maybe even Christmas as long as you order it before close of play on Monday it will be delivered for nothing whenever you want it in the future. You can order online at www.brownandforrest. or call us in the office from Tuesday morning at 9am on 01458 250875.


I must away as Olive appears to have read my mind and is now whining and looking at me with the most ridiculous Orphan Annie eyes! I have also just heard a bang from upstairs which means that Stan has decided the day has begun and I need to get to him before he gets to his still sleeping mother!


Have a lovely rest of your bank holiday weekend.


My very, very best regards,




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